Individual psychological and pathopsychological factors of involvement in road traffic accidents of persons with mental and behavioral disorders
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Vasil'chenko AS, Shport SV, Dubinskiy AA. [Individual psychological and pathopsychological factors of involvement in road traffic accidents of persons with mental and behavioral disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(2):22-31. Russian
In this empirical study, pursuing the objective of identifying the factors of involvement in road traffic accidents of persons with mental and behavioral disorders, we have analyzed their psychological peculiarities. Drivers with brain damage and dysfunction showed reduced selectivity of attention, impaired capacity to plan and prognosticate their activity. Those drivers, who abuse alcohol, were characterized by impulsiveness and absence of sensitivity to danger in traffic. Drivers with schizophrenia spectrum disorders showed impaired attention and memory, as well as distortions of capacity to generalize. Those with affective and neurotic disorders, were characterized by easily exhaustible mental processes and low level of self regulation. These results allow us to take a differentiated approach towards the criteria for medical contraindications for operating motor vehicles.
Keywords driver; road traffic accident; psychological factors; pathopsychological factors; mental disorders
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