Study of serotonin, dopamine and hormone profile indicators in individuals with mental disorders and aggressive illegal behavior

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Makushkina OA, Gurina OI, Vyatkina AI. [Study of serotonin, dopamine and hormone profile indicators in individuals with mental disorders and aggressive illegal behavior]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(2):46-54. Russian


In this scientific article, pursuing the objective of identifying the factors that influence the formation of aggressive behavior in people with mental disorders, we carry out a quantitative analysis of the indicators of neurochemical and hormonal profiles of patients with persisting tendency to behave aggressively towards others, who have also committed violent offenses. We have found significant abnormalities in the concentration of biogenic amines in these patients, with low serotonin and high dopamine levels (p<0.05); and high concentrations of cortisol, testosterone, and estradiol compared to healthy individuals with law-abiding behavior (p<0.01). These results would be useful for further study of the biological nature of aggression aimed at others, as well as for developing prevention strategies.

Keywords catecholamines; hormones; serotonin; compulsory treatment; mental disorders; aggression; violent offenses; risk factors; social dangerousness; forensic psychiatric prevention


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