Organization of forensic psychiatric prevention of socially dangerous actions of patients with mental disorders in Zabaykalsky Krai
Suggested citation:
Stupina OP, Sakharov AV. [Organization of forensic psychiatric prevention of socially dangerous actions of patients with mental disorders in Zabaykalsky Krai]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2020;(2):55-61. Russian
This cross-sectional observational study, pursuing the objective of analysis, looks at the organizational approaches towards forensic psychiatric prevention of socially dangerous actions of individuals with mental pathology in Zabaykalsky Krai. Thanks to the reorganization of the provision of psychiatric care, which has been carried out in 2014, a system of forensic psychiatric prevention has been set up in the region, and the process of interdepartmental interaction has been fine-tuned with the creation of the territorial medical register of patients prone to committing socially dangerous actions. As a result, we are witnessing the downward trend of the indicator of socially dangerous actions of individuals with mental pathology in the Krai.
Keywords mental disorders; forensic psychiatric prevention; socially dangerous behavior
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