Differentiated evaluation of sanity in compensation and decompensation of personality disorders

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Gadisov TG, Tkachenko AA. [Differentiated evaluation of sanity in compensation and decompensation of personality disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(5):4-12. Russian


In this retrospective study with an objective of analyzing the influence of the dynamics of personality disorders on the ability to realize the actual nature and social dangerousness of actions 90 subjects with personality disorder (F60 and F61) were examined. It is shown that compliance with the criteria of "diminished responsibility" is found in persons in a decompensated state with disturbance of the regulation of behavior at the target level: high personal significance of the goal of behavior, increased role of temperamental and characterological structures of individuality in the mechanisms of illegal actions, underestimation of the social significance of these actions. Compliance with the criteria of insanity is manifest in the disturbance of the regulation of behavior at the semantic level, which is due to dynamic shifts of psychotic level: actions are performed without mediation by the motivational sphere, with  distorted perception of actions and situation, with disturbance of insight and prognostic capacity.

Keywords personality disorder; dynamics of personality disorders; decompensation; diminished responsibility; insanity


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47877/1560-957Х-2022-10501

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