Readiness to substance use-related behavior change and its relationship with psycho-emotional condition and personal features in patients with substance-related disorders: results of a pilot study

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Fadeeva EV, Lanovaya AM. [Readiness to substance use-related behavior change and its relationship with psycho-emotional condition and personal features in patients with substance-related disorders: results of a pilot study]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(1):33-42. Russian


A pilot study was conducted to investigate the readiness for behavioral change and its correlation with the psychosocial state among 40 patients (30 men and 10 women) with substance use disorders (F10.x, F11.x, F19.x, ICD-10). The study included an assessment of motivational counseling results and standardized psychometric measures (SOCRATES; DASS-2; GSE) at the initial and final stages of inpatient treatment, as well as during medical rehabilitation, which allowed analyzing the characteristics of interest over time. The novelty of the proposed clinical approach lies in considering the dynamics of motivational characteristics and psychosocial status of patients with substance use disorders, which in the future will improve the quality of specialized addiction treatment and the development of personalized treatment and medical rehabilitation programs.

Keywords substance use behavior; alcohol; drugs; motivational intervention


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