Preliminary adaptation and validation of psychometric methods for the dimensional assessment of personality disorders as part of the transition to the ICD-11

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Samylkin DV, Demidova LYu, Gadisov TG, et al. [Preliminary adaptation and validation of psychometric methods for the dimensional assessment of personality disorders as part of the transition to the ICD-11]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(1):51-59. Russian


In a one-stage retrospective study with the aim of preliminary adaptation of the methods of The Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD-11 (FFiCD) and The Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS), a pilot test was conducted on the Russian-speaking audience, in which 58 male subjects (age 36.1±11.7 years), divided into 3 groups, took part – mentally healthy volunteers (19 people), persons with personality disorders (27 people) and persons with schizophrenic spectrum disorders (12 people). Based on the results of the pilot testing, it was concluded that the Russian-language versions of the FFICD and SIFS scales are suitable for use in clinical practice. The texts of the questionnaires turned out to be understandable to the subjects and the persons who conducted the testing. Preliminary results suggest that the SIFS and FFICD scales have diagnostic value and are informative in the diagnosis of personality disorders.

Keywords personality disorder; ICD-11; severity; domains; dimensional assessment; SIFS; FFiCD


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