Clinical and ontogenetic differentiation of pedophilic disorder
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Vasil'ev NG, Tkachenko AA. [Clinical and ontogenetic differentiation of pedophilic disorder]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2022;(6):14-25. Russian
In a cross-sectional retrospective study, in order to identify parameters that are significant for the diagnosis of pedophilic disorder, 133 men who have committed sexual acts with children were examined, of which 90 (67.7%) subjects were found to have sexual attraction to a pedophilic object according to ICD-10 criteria. Signs were revealed that reliably distinguish between groups of subjects with pedophilia and without disorders of sexual preference.
We substantiate the idea of depersonification as a key phenomenon of pedophilia, in relation to which other clinical signs are derivatives. The dysontogenetic nature and comparability with the stages of disturbance of the formation of the Theory of Mind set its dimensional character, which determines the typological heterogeneity of pedophilic disorder.
Keywords pedophilia; pedophilic disorder; perception; Theory of Mind; depersonification; dimensional approach
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