The other “organic disorders”: the imperfection of classifications, the polar demand for diagnoses, specificity in adult and childhood

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Shaydukova LK. [The other “organic disorders”: the imperfection of classifications, the polar demand for diagnoses, specificity in adult and childhood]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(1):69-74. Russian


In this discussion article, in order to resolve the problem of the lack of demand for some diagnoses and the overdiagnosis of others, a number of organic disorders are discussed. It is suggested that the catatonic syndrome is associated in practicing doctors only with schizophrenia, as the manic syndrome is associated with bipolar affective disorder. The excessive demand for the diagnosis of “non-psychotic organic disorder” is associated with the complexity of its proof by medical-instrumental and clinical methods in childhood, as well as the abundance of difficult-to-confirm information about the pathology in the perinatal period. The author makes attempts to explain and overcome the current situation.

Keywords organic mental disorders; classification; diagnosis; features in adults and children


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