Schizophrenia and HIV infection: specific features of psychopathological symptomatology against the background of antiretroviral therapy

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Polyanskiy DA, Orlov VA, Cap OV, et al. [Schizophrenia and HIV infection: specific features of psychopathological symptomatology against the background of antiretroviral therapy]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(2):52-57. Russian


In this long – term observational study aiming to examine clinical features, the psychopathological symptomatology of paranoid schizophrenic patients with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) was analyzed and compared to a control group of patients with co-morbidities without ART. ART for patients with paranoid schizophrenia + HIV is effective for HIV-associated immunological status, but due to the multidirectional interaction vectors and suppression of exogenous HIV influence on the schizophrenic process, it mediates an increase in the severity of psychopathological symptomatology.

Keywords psychopathological symptomatology; schizophrenia; HIV infection; antiretroviral therapy


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