The system of prevention of dangerous actions of the mentally ill in the Russian Federation: monitoring of performance and evaluation of effectiveness

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Makushkina OA. [The system of prevention of dangerous actions of the mentally ill in the Russian Federation: monitoring of performance and evaluation of effectiveness]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(5):29-37. Russian


The article highlights key aspects of the organization of system of prevention of socially dangerous behavior of the mentally ill in our country. Results of monitoring the effectiveness of mental health services in this area, testifying to the positive dynamics of some indicators (reducing the number of dangerous acts committed by persons with severe mental disorders; the decline of their repetition; a reduction in the number of shoots, aggressive actions by patients in the period of compulsory treatment). Along with having some success mental health services of the country to prevent dangerous actions of the mentally ill, there are also significant regional differences in resourcing and the quality of preventive work that is annually reflected in state data reporting and indicates the presence of problems in the organization of the system of forensic psychiatric prevention in some regions. According to the author, the important directions of optimization of the system of forensic psychiatric prevention may be: further improvement of normative legal base and organizational and methodological support; regulation of requirements to the organization and securing resources for the prevention of dangerous actions of the mentally ill, quarterly monitoring and evaluation of the quality of this work at the regional level.


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