Clinical and social characteristics of persons who committed a socially dangerous act in a state of exogenous psychosis

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Gilenko MV, Gulyaeva VYu. [Clinical and social characteristics of persons who committed a socially dangerous act in a state of exogenous psychosis]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(3):25-31. Russian


This retrospective study was conducted in order to determine the main clinical and social characteristics of persons who had exogenous psychosis during the period of committing a socially dangerous act. 104 adult males accused in criminal cases were examined. A complex of factors predisposing to the occurrence of exogenous psychosis is described. It has been proven that in the sample of exogenously organic psychoses related to the period of the illegal act, three groups can be differentiated, which differ in the presence and severity of the background pathology (organic mental disorder and/or dependence on psychoactive substances), the clinical picture and the duration of the psychotic disorder leading to psychopathological syndrome during the period of examination, which implies different approaches and criteria for forensic psychiatric assessment.

Keywords exogenous psychosis; organic mental disorder; substance dependence; forensic psychiatric examination


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