The relationship of psychophysiological and cognitive indicators in the perception of conflicts in persons with bipolar affective disorder

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Lysenko NE, Shipkova KM, Peeva OD, et al. [The relationship of psychophysiological and cognitive indicators in the perception of conflicts in persons with bipolar affective disorder]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(3):68-75. Russian


In this original study, 83 persons were examined in order to identify the physiological mechanisms of cognitive activity in conflict situations; 28 of these persons suffered from bipolar affective disorder. The procedure included recording the heart rate when performing the Stroop and Kagan tests after having being exposed to videos presenting neutral, joyful and conflictive situations. It was found that in individuals with bipolar affective disorder, low productivity of attention is associated with a deficit in the influence of the parasympathetic nervous system and a decrease in the adaptive potential of cardiovascular activity. Against the background of the growing influence of sympathetic nervous system in the subjects with bipolar affective disorder, there is an increase in the selectivity of attention in conflictive situations and a decrease in the selectivity of attention in joyful ones.

Keywords bipolar affective disorder; heart rate variability; interpersonal conflicts; attention; Stroop test


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