Prevention of aggressive illegal behavior of persons with mental disorders

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Makushkina OA, Frolova AV, Leurda EV. [Prevention of aggressive illegal behavior of persons with mental disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(3):15-24. Russian


In this observational descriptive study, in order to develop a scientifically based approach to improving the effectiveness of the prevention of aggressive illegal behavior of persons with mental disorders, 2 stages of work have been carried out. At the first stage, according to the results of a comparative survey of 219 respondents (105 persons with persistent aggressive behavior who committed violent offenses, and 114 respondents with law-abiding behavior), statistically significant predictors of social dangerousness with aggression towards others were established using the logistic regression method, and they were ranked according to their informativeness. At the second stage, an original strategy of psychosocial rehabilitation was formed. Its application is aimed at preventing violent offenses by reducing the influence of factors contributing to their commission. Based on the results of the clinical analysis, we describe general and specific psychosocial interventions.

Keywords mental disorders; aggressive behavior; risk factors; social dangerousness; prevention; psychosocial rehabilitation


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