Aggressive offenses of women with organic personality disorder

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Kachaeva MA, Shport SV, Kalashnikova AS, et al. [Aggressive offenses of women with organic personality disorder]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(2):16-24. Russian


In a descriptive retrospective study, in order to identify the most significant factors influencing the formation of aggressive behavior, the clinical and psychopathological, personal, socio-demographic and criminological characteristics of women with organic personality disorder who committed aggressive socially dangerous actions (n=73) and non-aggressive offenses (n=45) were studied. A high prevalence of a combination of several unfavorable factors in the commission of aggressive offenses was established: the predominance of explosive and dissocial traits in the premorbid personality structure, the presence of dependence on psychoactive substances, concomitant somatic and endocrine diseases, additional exogenous factors, unfavorable conditions of upbringing and residence, low level of education, lack of work, antisocial environment, subjectively significant psychogenic and traumatic events (conflicts within the family).

Keywords organic personality disorder; women; criminal behavior; offenses; forensic-psychiatric evaluation


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