Psychopathological variants of drug-induced psychoses related to the period of committing socially dangerous acts

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Gilenko MV, Gulyaeva VYu. [Psychopathological variants of drug-induced psychoses related to the period of committing socially dangerous acts]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(5):4-10. Russian


In this retrospective study pursuing the objective of systematizing psychotic disorders typical for forensic psychiatric practice, we examined 28 adult males, who committed socially dangerous acts while in a state of psychosis due to drug use. It has been established that most psychoses are associated with the use of synthetic cannabinoids and cathinones; psychoses develop more often in a state of intoxication than within the framework of withdrawal syndrome. The clinical picture of psychoses is more often represented by polymorphic symptoms (57.1%), less often – schizophrenic (21.4%), delusional (10.7%) or hallucinatory (7.1%). In the group of predominantly polymorphic psychotic disorders, it is possible to differentiate states with a leading delirious syndrome, hallucinatory-paranoid and polymorphic proper; in the group of mainly schizophrenic-like psychotic disorders – states with the predominance of affective-delusional disorders, oneiroid confusion of consciousness, the syndrome of mental automatism; in the group of mainly delusional disorders – acute and prolonged psychoses. The described variants of psychoses are compared with psychopathological mechanisms of committing socially dangerous acts; it is established that the most often socially dangerous acts are committed according to mechanisms with delusional motivation.

Keywords intoxication psychosis; socially dangerous act; forensic psychiatric examination


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