Study of psychoendocrine, psychophysiological and psychological correlates of risk behavior and risk decision making
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Lysenko NE, Pronicheva MM, Peeva OD, et al. [Study of psychoendocrine, psychophysiological and psychological correlates of risk behavior and risk decision making]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(4):91-102. Russian
The scientific review summarizes data on modern studies of psychoendocrine, psychophysiological and psychological correlates of risk behavior and risk decision making. Based on the analysis of 91 articles, approaches to the study of decision-making within various scientific disciplines, ideas about the mechanisms of decision-making in risk situations, neurophysiological studies of decision-making, as well as data on psychoendocrine correlates of risk behavior are considered. An analysis of methodological and empirical works devoted to this issue showed that the emerging progress in this area is associated with a growing number of neurophysiological studies of decision-making. It is concluded that consideration of decision-making based on the optimal strategy is vulnerable to criticism, when the influence of the decision maker remains outside the focus of researchers. To expand the understanding of the mechanisms of risk decision-making, it seems important to develop an interdisciplinary approach, including analysis of the neuronal foundations of moral choice, as one of the determinants of the decision-making process.
Keywords decision-making; psychoendocrine and psychophysiological correlates of risk behavior; psychological factors of risk behavior
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