Objectively recorded parameters of a legally significant situation as a reflection of its subjective factors

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Nikitskiy IS, Tkachenko AA. [Objectively recorded parameters of a legally significant situation as a reflection of its subjective factors]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(5):11-23. Russian


In this retrospective study 41 men accused of committing crimes against life and health of a human being were examined in order to identify the determining factors of aggressive illegal actions. The sample consisted of a number of clinical forms of personality disorders, schizotypal disorder, accentuated personality traits and mentally healthy individuals. According to the analysis of the materials of criminal cases it was found that the existence of a conflict, its duration as well as the victim’s behavior at the stage preceding the commission of an illegal act are the most significant factors for the occurrence of a criminal situation. This study presents a classification of various criminal situations based on the relationships between these parameters. The description of each of the types is given as well. The analysis of the facts objectively documented in the criminal cases files demonstrates the possibility of constructing hypotheses about the nature of the situational variables impact on the subject’s self-regulation.

Keywords legally significant situation; objectively recorded factors; conflict; self-regulation; delict; criminal aggression


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34757/1560-957X.2023.27.5.002

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