Incidence of mental disorders and staffing of psychiatric services in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2000-2022

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Stupina OP, Sakharov AV. [Incidence of mental disorders and staffing of psychiatric services in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2000-2022]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(4):4-17. Russian


In order to analyze the incidence of mental disorders, disability due to mental disorders, mortality due to suicide and staffing of mental health services in the constituent entities of the Far Eastern Federal District, a one-time observational study based on the study of reporting forms for 2020–2022 was conducted. An increase in the rates of general and primary incidence of mental pathology has been established, as well as a significant increase in the rate of those recognized as disabled for the first time (due to mental retardation). Mortality due to suicide in the Far Eastern Federal District continues to maintain a downward trend, but the rate remains above the national average. An analysis of the staffing of mental health services revealed low staffing levels of medical specialists and non-medical workers. The presented trends indicate the need to improve the organization of psychiatric care for the population of the Far Eastern Federal District in terms of improving staffing, financing and material base of regional services.

Keywords mental health services; mental disorders; epidemiology; morbidity; disability; suicide; staff potential; Far Eastern Federal District


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