Verification of autism symptoms factor structure in 3–4 year-olds
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Nasledov AD, Tkacheva LO, Zashchirinskaya OV, et al. [Verification of autism symptoms factor structure in 3–4 year-olds]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(4):72-83. Russian
926 children (383 with autism, 200 with mental retardation, 343 with typically developing ones) participated in a single-stage retrospective study to verify the diagnostic value and verify the factor structure of a 7–scale method for diagnosing autism in children aged 3-4 years. The configurational, metric and strict invariance of the 7-factor scale for children aged 3-4 years with autism was confirmed. It was revealed that each of the 7 scales has a sufficiently high value to distinguish children with autism from children typically developing and with mental retardation. The high predictive value of the 7-factor scale was confirmed using logistic regression. The overall prediction accuracy was 88.7% (sensitivity 84.9%, specificity 91.5%). Using structural equation modeling, 3 groups of symptoms were identified: communication disorders, sensory disintegration and disinhibition/hyperactivity. It has been shown that sensory impairments enhance communication impairments, also affecting increased disinhibition/hyperactivity. While communication disorders are defined by speech comprehension disorders, detachment and emotional disorders.
Keywords autism; factor model of autism; diagnosis of autism; 3-4-year-olds
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