Assessment of tobacco dependency severity association with manifestations of mental ill-being and level of motivation to reduce or stop smoking among industrial workers of a single-industry town

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Fadeeva EV, Bobochkova EA, Vyshinskiy KV. [Assessment of tobacco dependency severity association with manifestations of mental ill-being and level of motivation to reduce or stop smoking among industrial workers of a single-industry town]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(6):61-69. Russian


The pilot study assessed severity of tobacco dependency, its association with motives for continuing smoking or motivation for quitting, as well as signs of mental ill-being among 40 workers of an industrial enterprise of a singleindustry town who were current smokers. Among participants there were high proportions of moderate (25.0%), severe (37.5%), and very severe (7.5%) nicotine dependence, along with very low proportion of individuals willing to reduce their tobacco use or quit smoking (only 7.5% of participants). A negative correlation was found between the severity of nicotine addiction and symptoms of anxiety (r= –0.458, p≤0.01). Motives for continuing smoking associated with the severity of nicotine dependency, in addition to signs of addiction (r=0.490, p≤0.001), included manifestations of smoking-associated automaticity (r=0.442, p≤0.01). A decrease in the Tiffeneau index was determined in 42.5% of those examined with standard values of blood oxygen saturation levels in all observations. Results of this study need to be confirmed on a larger sample. Given the small number of participants interested in quitting smoking, more effective motivational work is required.

Keywords tobacco; smoking; tobacco dependency; prevention measure; screening; motivational counseling; industrial workers


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