Clinical-psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence. Part 1 (static model components)
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Bannikov GS. [Clinical-psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence. Part 1 (static model components)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(5):55-65. Russian
In order to create a comprehensive clinical and psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence, a study was conducted on 2525 adolescence (12–19 years old according to UNFPA criteria) in a population and clinical sample studying in educational institutions in Moscow. The developed clinical-psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence is a multi-stage diathesis-stress model of suicidal behavior, based on the identification of static and structural-dynamic components. In the first part of the work, the static components of the model are considered: vulnerability, negative events, suicidal narrative and suicidal crisis state. The socio-psychological, clinical and psychopathological characteristics that make the greatest contribution to the development of suicidal behavior have been identified. The model postulates that a high suicidal risk is primarily determined by the presence of specific clinical and psychopathological symptom complexes, and the suicidal narrative makes its independent contribution to the development and maintenance of the severity of the suicidal crisis.
Keywords model of suicidal behavior; adolescence; socio-psychological risk factors; clinical risk factors
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