Dynamics of hospitalization of children in a psychiatric hospital, annual analysis of clinical and demographic characteristics and psychopathology

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Dar'in EV, Korol' IS, Boyko EO, et al. [Dynamics of hospitalization of children in a psychiatric hospital, annual analysis of clinical and demographic characteristics and psychopathology]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):45-56. Russian


In this prospective continuous cohort study pursuing the objective of researching the dynamics of hospitalization of minors admitted to a psychiatric hospital, we have first analyzed the functioning of the bed capacity of the Specialized Neuropsychiatric Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Territory for 2003–2023. Objective reasons were analyzed for the recent decrease in the total number of hospitalized patients, with an upward trend in the number of hospitalized children. In parallel, data from all hospitalized minors were analyzed for 1 year in order to study the structure of the diagnostic and age characteristics of children with mental disorders, some clinical characteristics, the prevalence of cases of aggression aimed at self and self-harm among this cohort for purposes of inclusion in the second stage of the study.

Keywords adolescent psychiatry; hospitalization; mental disorders; self-injurious behavior; child behavior disorders; cohort studies


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