Clinical-psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence. Part 2 (structural-dynamic characteristics of the model)

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Bannikov GS. [Clinical-psychopathological model of suicidal behavior in adolescence. Part 2 (structural-dynamic characteristics of the model)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(6):41-49. Russian


In this empirical study in order to determine the mechanisms of development of suicidal behavior, we highlight the structural and dynamic characteristics of the clinical and psychopathological model of suicidal behavior. The features of the development of a suicidal crisis state are considered depending on the duration of the pre-suicidal period and the leading affect. With the development of a short, affectively intense pre-suicidal period, predominantly reactive formations with symptoms of anxiety spectrum are observed. With a long, affectively reduced presuicidal period, symptoms characteristic of melancholic depressive states with a predominance of the melancholy component are observed. Clinical and psychopathological “portraits” and mechanisms of development of suicidal behavior depending on the leading (anxious, melancholy, dysphoric) affect are described. In conclusion, the possibilities of using the model in the technology of early detection of suicidal behavior are considered.

Keywords model of suicidal behavior; adolescence; presuicidal period; leading affect; “portrait” of a suicidal teenager; early detection of suicidal behavior


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