Clinical, social, medical and demographic characteristics of fertility in families of patients with endogenous mental pathology living in urban and rural areas

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Kosenko VG, Alekseenko SN, Red'ko AN, et al. [Clinical, social, medical and demographic characteristics of fertility in families of patients with endogenous mental pathology living in urban and rural areas]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):37-44. Russian


In this cross-sectional population sociological analytical and comparative study pursuing the objective of comprehensively comparing the reproductive behavior among mentally ill patients with endogenous pathology, depending on the diagnostic features and a set of medical and social characteristics, in relation to residents of urban and rural areas, we examined 405 patients suffering from endogenous mental pathology. Comparison of data obtained during the study period (2023–2024) was carried out against the data of a similar study for 1988–1989 in the Krasnodar region. It has been established that indicators of the quality of life, parameters of social functioning and level of adaptation in people with endogenous mental disorders are generally worse than in the general population. When comparing the data obtained from the questionnaire with the previous study, we found that many indicators of clinical and social functioning differ significantly. According to the results of the work performed, we can say that indicators of marital relations, occupational and social adaptation, as well as issues of material wealth and fertility in patients with endogenous mental pathology in children, are rather a statement of fact than a part of anamnesis, and are not related to clinical variations of the endogenous process, duration and severity of the disorder, although the existence of such a connection is unanimously recognized.

Keywords endogenous pathology; reproductive behavior; clinical, social and biomedical factors


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