Diagnostic potential of the theoretical construct "self-control"

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Rybnikov VYu, Bulygina VG. [Diagnostic potential of the theoretical construct "self-control"]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(1):63-69. Russian


The paper provides a brief overview of some data of the adapted Grasmick (1993) scale for diagnosing self- control –a stable construct whose components form a single unidimentional latent trait. This construct has a 6-factor structure, which corresponds to the scales of the questionnaire: impulsivity, a preference for simple tasks, risk-seeking behaviours, physical activity, self-centered orientation, quick temper. Theoretical and empirical studies of this construct are outlined. Based on the records of 328 mentally healthy and mentally ill male and female subjects with criminal and noncriminal behavior identified are clinical and social characteristics that are closely associated with low selfcontrol. An analysis of the association between low self-control and the nature of criminal act in the group of mentally ill patients with a history of wrongdoing is presented. Profiling self-control in the pooled sample of mentally ill offenders revealed the significance for clustering subjects of such variables as gender, diagnosis and the nature of criminal act. It was found that the combination of these factors is closely associated with separate scales of self-control rather than with integrative index of low self-control.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24411/1560-957X-2015-1%25x

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