The problem of neuroendocrine dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders (analysis of results of psychiatrists interviews)
Suggested citation:
Gorobec LN. [The problem of neuroendocrine dysfunctions in patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders (analysis of results of psychiatrists interviews)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(5):79-84. Russian
A screening investigation was conducted of 317 psychiatrists from different regions of Russia with the aim of redefining some questions of psychiatric strategy concerning neuroendocrine dysfunctions (NED) in patients with mental disorders during antipsychotic therapy. In the examined sample of psychiatrists predominant were female respondents who worked in inpatient hospitals for more than ten years and had a high level of education. 89% of respondents thought it necessary to take account of NED presence in patients prior to initiating antipsychotic therapy and the risk of NED development when prescribing this therapy. 83.6% of psychiatrists believed that NED presence could lead to impairment in social functioning and 85% of physicians shared the opinion that NED development especially during prolonged anti-recurrence therapy is the cause of patients non-compliance including their refusal to follow prescribed treatment. There were mixed responses with regard to therapeutic approaches to NED correction (58.6% of respondents employed all approaches, 28% – were unfamiliar with this problem): as many as 80% of physicians were in favour of replacing the drug; 50% to 68% of physicians were unaware of or failed to use reduced drug dosages for NED correction; only 63% of physicians use neurolepticinduced hyperprolactinemia correctors (dopamine agonists). Outcomes of investigation reflect the need for developing management standards for patients with NED during antipsychotic therapy and raising awareness of practicing physicians about its relevant issues.
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