Modern concept of neurocognitive disorders

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Lavrushchik MV, Usyukina MV. [Modern concept of neurocognitive disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):87-96. Russian


In this scientific review, in order to systematize modern knowledge about the significance of neurocognitive disorders in mental illness, an analysis of Russian and foreign publications was carried out. A modern understanding of neurocognitive disorders is given, the transdiagnostic model of these disorders is emphasized, and the main diagnostic approaches to the qualification of neurocognitive disorders in ICD-11 and DSM-5 are presented. A definition and typology of neurocognitive functions is presented, describing six domains. The need for a comprehensive study using neuropsychological testing to verify neurocognitive disorders is considered.

Keywords neurocognitive disorders; cognitive function; neurocognitive domains


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