Perception of interpersonal conflicts in mentally healthy people and people with affective disorders

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Lysenko NE, Peeva OD, Bulygina VG. [Perception of interpersonal conflicts in mentally healthy people and people with affective disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):53-60. Russian


In this comparative study in order to examine impairment in interpersonal conflicts perception, samples of 30 patients with bipolar affective disorder (average age – 33.34±12.48 years, 11 men), and 39 mentally health subjects (average age – 30.18±9.09 years, 12 men) have been examined. The methods included M. Davis's Interpersonal Reactivity Index, A.V. Karpov's Methodology for diagnosing the level of development of reflexivity, and an experimental presentation of video recordings with interpersonal conflicts. Patients with bipolar disorder revealed impairments in perception of interpersonal conflicts, which were associated with a deficiency of cognitive and emotional components of social perception.

Keywords perception of interpersonal conflicts; affective disorders


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