Interdisciplinary collaboration in management of patients with cognitive disorders

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Cherdak MA, Mkhitaryan EA, Tkacheva ON. [Interdisciplinary collaboration in management of patients with cognitive disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(6):15-21. Russian


The problem of dementia is not only a heavy burden on the patient's family only, but also a significant strain on the health and social care systems, as well as on the country's economy as a whole. Dementia is often diagnosed late, which significantly reduces effectiveness of therapy; it is accompanied by the development of late complications, and increases the cost of patient management. This review summarizes data on the epidemiology of dementia and non-dementia cognitive disorders in the world and the Russian Federation, the economic effects of dementia, and regulatory actions against dementia. The contribution of different specialists to the early diagnosis of dementia and non-dementia cognitive disorders, and the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the management of such patients are discussed. The system of medical and social care for patients with cognitive disorders in the Russian Federation are outlined.

Keywords dementia; non-dementia cognitive disorders; diagnosis; management; interdisciplinary approach


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