Current trends in the development of rehabilitation approaches to the recovery of cognitive impairment of organic genesis

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Shipkova KM, Shport SV, Bulygina VG. [Current trends in the development of rehabilitation approaches to the recovery of cognitive impairment of organic genesis]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2023;(6):50-60. Russian


This review presents modern trends in non-invasive methods of functional brain stimulation and their neurobiological basis. The paper analyses the role of the intact hemisphere and neuroplasticity in higher cortical function rehabilitation in patients with focal brain lesions. The review describes the effect of sensory stimulation on the recovery of cognitive impairment. The article presents data on the impact of music-enriched and multisensory-enriched environments on brain activity as well as on cognitive function recovery. The paper describes the limitations of the methods of sensory stimulation The article accentuates the importance of different approaches to the sensory stimulation algorithm, taking into account the lesion topography and cognitive function type.

Keywords cognitive impairment; higher cortical functions recovery; cognitive rehabilitation; sensory-enriched environment; neuropsychological rehabilitation


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