Digital technologies in the rehabilitation of military personnel with combat mental trauma

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Galkin SA, Didenko AV, Bokhan NA. [Digital technologies in the rehabilitation of military personnel with combat mental trauma]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):97-104. Russian


In this scientific review, in order to systematize ideas about modern methods of neurorehabilitation based on high technologies for military personnel with combat mental trauma, an analysis of domestic and foreign studies is carried out. The data on the effectiveness of the use of digital technologies (biofeedback methods, rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation, graduated exposure therapy in a virtual reality environment) in the rehabilitation of combatants are presented.

Keywords combatants; combat stress; combat trauma; rehabilitation; biofeedback; exposure therapy; transcranial magnetic stimulation; virtual reality


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