Clinical patterns of cognitive impairment formation in patients with alcohol dependence
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Galkin SA, Bokhan NA. [Clinical patterns of cognitive impairment formation in patients with alcohol dependence]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):73-78. Russian
In this empirical study, 178 patients were examined in order to identify significant clinical and dynamic factors affecting cognitive impairment in alcohol dependence. Cognitive functions were assessed using a battery of computerized neuropsychological tests: Go/NoGo, Corsi, Stroop color test, Balloon, Cambridge Game Task and Iowa Game Task. The patients' clinical data were taken from their medical records and also collected during clinical interviews. Significant factors affecting cognitive impairment were: the amount of alcohol consumed, the duration of alcohol dependence, the average duration of alcohol remission, as well as the presence of exogenous organic brain damage.
Keywords alcohol dependence; cognitive functions; neurocognitive deficit; clinical presentation; factors of cognitive impairment
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