Analysis of criminal acts committed in a state not excluding sanity in the Republic of Azerbaijan

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Rzaev TZ, Geraybeyli GCh. [Analysis of criminal acts committed in a state not excluding sanity in the Republic of Azerbaijan]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(3):23-26. Russian


In this descriptive retrospective study, in order to analyze the clinical, psychopathological, socio-demographic and criminological characteristics of persons with mental disorders who committed a crime in a state that does not exclude sanity, the features of 831 accused in 1055 criminal cases who underwent forensic psychiatric examination in the Republic of Azerbaijan in the period 2001–2020 were analyzed. It was found that 10.1% of crimes committed by persons with mental disorders are committed by them in a state that does not exclude sanity. Among them 32.9% of people with organic mental disorders, 27.4% of people with mental retardation. During the examination, 44.2% of the subjects had repeated signs of mental disorder after committing a relapsed socially dangerous act, they were also unable to realize the actual nature and social danger of their actions and to direct them. In total, 13.8% of mentally ill people who have committed crimes in a state of limited sanity need compulsory medical measures. In general, 0.3% of convicts are persons with mental disorders who committed criminal acts in a state of limited sanity.

Keywords limited responsibility; a condition that does not exclude sanity; criminal behavior; forensic medical examination


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