Characteristics of the accused person's subjective perception and assessment of a legally significant situation

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Nikitskiy IS, Tkachenko AA. [Characteristics of the accused person's subjective perception and assessment of a legally significant situation]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):20-30. Russian


In this retrospective study 41 men, accused of committing crimes against life and health of a human being, were examined in order to identify their patterns of subjective perception of legally significant circumstances (psychological situation). The sample included individuals with personality disorders, accentuated personality traits, and schizotypal disorders, as well as mentally healthy individuals. Through the analysis of the materials of criminal cases and the selfreports of the subjects, it was found that objectively fixed parameters of the situation were closely interrelated with the characteristics of subjective perception by accused persons of a legally significant situation. Also, they affected the formation of the “field of affordances,” which consisted of subjective significance of the situation, its temporal unfolding, and the options of actions available in it, in this turn determining the grade of self-regulation in the illegal aggressive behavior.

Keywords legally significant situation; perception; affordances; field of affordances; psychological situation; self-regulation; criminal aggression


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