Clinical features and suicidal risk in patients with the first depressive episode

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Gorbunova AP, Nikolishin AE, Rukavishnikov GV, et al. [Clinical features and suicidal risk in patients with the first depressive episode]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):38-45. Russian


In this cross-sectional multicenter study aiming to compare clinical features and suicide risk in patients with a first depressive episode and recurrent major depression, 230 patients diagnosed with a depressive episode (F32, n=85) and recurrent depressive disorder (F33, n=145) were evaluated, regardless of the disease stage (exacerbation or remission). Additionally, concomitant mental disorders were assessed during the clinical interview. Moreover, hypomaniac symptoms (HCL-32) and the severity of suicidal ideation and behavior during life-time (The ColumbiaSuicide Severity Rating Scale, C-SSRS) were evaluated. In patients with a single episode of depression, both for a whole group (р=0.038) and in a subgroup with the current depression (р=0.049), the level of suicide risk over the last month was significantly higher than in patients with recurrent depression, and there was also a higher percentage of patients with alcohol (р=0.046) and cannabis (р=0.004) abuse disorders. Furthermore, patients with the first episode had a higher risk of bipolar disorder (р=0.014). One of the probable causes of this phenomenon may be the nosological heterogeneity of the group of patients with the first depressive episode.

Keywords major depressive disorder; first depressive episode; suicide; addictions; hypomania


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