Profiles of stress response depending on the factor of adaptation to professional activity

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Kabanova TN, Kostina EV, Ivashkevich NT, et al. [Profiles of stress response depending on the factor of adaptation to professional activity]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(6):35-43. Russian


In this comparative study, a survey of 60 male and female cadets of internal affairs agencies (average age – 20.3±2.3 years) has been carried out with the objective of studying the stress response of cadets within the framework of their educational and professional activities. Stress response profiles characteristic of the adaptive and maladaptive groups of cadets have been identified. The maladaptive stress response profile is distinguished by higher values of stress signs, predominance of maladaptive coping strategies, low level of development of the components of the self-regulation process, as well as an increase in the cortisol level and a decrease in the DHEA level after stress modeling. Persons with adaptive stress response profile are characterized by the development of all stages of conscious behavior regulation, and the use of adaptive coping strategies. Psychoendocrine indicators are distinguished by high DHEA values both before and after stress load, and a decrease in the cortisol level after stress modeling, which indicates a high level of implementation of the body's adaptive mechanisms under stress.

Keywords stress response; psychoendocrine profile; coping strategies; psychological defenses; self-control; self-regulation; police cadets


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