Cognitive impairments in adolescents with disorders of intellectual development in decoding alternative communication symbols with varying iconicity

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Zashchirinskaya OV, Belimova PA. [Cognitive impairments in adolescents with disorders of intellectual development in decoding alternative communication symbols with varying iconicity]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(2):46-52. Russian


In a controlled experiment aimed at identifying the characteristics of alternative communication perception in neuropsychological developmental disorders, a study was conducted on the process of decoding sentences composed of alternative communication pictograms by adolescents with intellectual disabilities. A comparative study involving experimental (n=92) and control (n=92) groups has shown the difficulty of interpreting pictographic sentences in case of intellectual impairment. Statistically significant differences were found in the parameters of fixation duration during the perception of pictographic sentences between the groups (p<0.001), indicating a difference in the lexical processing activation. Analysis of separate stimuli showed that interpretation performance depends on the alternative communication system and the graphical representation of the pictograms. The LoCoS© pictographic system proved to be the most effective for communicating with syntactic constructions, which may have implications in training methods development for this category of individuals.

Keywords аlternative and augmentative communication; pictograms; sentences; disorders of intellectual development; nonverbal communication; lexical processing


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