The use of SWOT-analysis in assessing the implementation of the model of providing psychiatric care to the child population in a day hospital

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Nabatov IF, Khodakova OV, Burkova NA. [The use of SWOT-analysis in assessing the implementation of the model of providing psychiatric care to the child population in a day hospital]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):16-22. Russian


In this one-stage retrospective study to assess the organization of specialized psychiatric care for minors in the conditions of a day hospital opened on the basis of general educational institutions, it was found that the infrastructure of children's health care requires optimization with the development of new options for the provision of medical care. The study is based on the SWOT-analysis of the activity of 6 structural subdivisions of the day hospital organized on the basis of general educational institutions of Kirov in the course of 20 years. As a result of the study, a number of features of the organization of psychiatric care for minors in Kirov were identified, external and internal factors influencing the current activities of day care centers were identified, the probability of their occurrence and impact on the functioning of the model was assessed and strategic alternatives were developed, taking into account their significance and feasibility for the development of the model.

Keywords SWOT analysis; model; children's day hospital based on educational institutions; strategic alternatives


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