Increasing the efficiency of addiction medical treatment as a factor in reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy in the Russian Federation

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Shport SV, Klimenko TV, Shmukler AB, et al. [Increasing the efficiency of addiction medical treatment as a factor in reducing mortality and increasing life expectancy in the Russian Federation]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(1):4-15. Russian


This article provides an overview of the state of the current addiction medical treatment situation in the Russian Federation, including the dynamics of drug addiction morbidity over the past 10 years, material, technical and personnel support and the effectiveness of activities in providing addiction medical treatment, and formulates proposals for optimizing the organization of addiction medicine services taking into account modern challenges posed by the drug addiction situation.

Keywords addiction medicine service; addiction medical treatment; alcohol; mortality; illicit drugs; prevention; treatment


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