Significance of public health surveillance of suicide attempts and intentional self-harms

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Boev OI, Bychkova OG, Serdyuk OV, et al. [Significance of public health surveillance of suicide attempts and intentional self-harms]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(3):11-22. Russian


This multi-center epidemiological study with the participation of state psychiatric services of Trans-Baikal Territory, Stavropol Territory and Sverdlovsk Region was conducted in order to assess the efficiency and potential of the existing monitoring of suicide attempts and self-harm. Clinical and demographic parameters and characteristics of suicidal behavior in the cohort of self-harm perpetrators for the period 2021–2022 were studied and their differences in the specified subjects of the Russian Federation were assessed. The prevalence of clinical and demographic parameters in cohorts of persons with suicidal behavior and in the general population was compared. The differences of the compared cohorts in age, mental health status and need for outpatient supervision by psychiatrists were revealed. The necessity of optimization of existing strategies for monitoring of intentional self-harm and suicide prevention using available resources of the domestic health care system has been demonstrated.

Keywords non-suicidal self-injury; attempted suicide; suicide prevention; self-harming behavior; intentional self-harm; public health surveillance; monitoring


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