Psychological and linguistic signs of assessing social aggression in online publications (using the example of extremist materials)
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Bek AV, Abitov IR, Sazhenin II, et al. [Psychological and linguistic signs of assessing social aggression in online publications (using the example of extremist materials)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(4):85-91. Russian
In this original cohort study, information materials were analyzed to create a screening tool and, based on the analysis of the modern typology of aggression and legislative norms, signs of socially directed aggression, in particular criminal aggression, were identified. An algorithm for screening assessment was created and its application to the content and focus of Internet publications was illustrated. Screening can be used to perform a preliminary selection of information materials for the purpose of further expert assessment and legal qualification of their content.
Keywords screening; social aggression; criminal aggression; informational materials; Internet; psychological and linguistic expertise
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