Clinical profiles of PTSD atypical modifications in forensic psychiatry practice
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Fastovcov GA, Zayceva EA. [Clinical profiles of PTSD atypical modifications in forensic psychiatry practice]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2015;(6):25-30. Russian
Four atypical modifications of posttraumatic stress disorder: anxiety, depressive, somatoform and psychotic were identified as a result of a study of 100 patients, who underwent forensic psychiatry examination involving clinical and statistical methods. Clinical characteristics of given modifications were developed based on emotionalvolitional, affective and personality factors. The validity of defining the psychotic atypical modification of PTSD was rationalized. Conception of the presence of atypical form of PTSD as a complex chronic psychopathological structure with different register symptoms was confirmed.
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