Current approaches to suicide prevention in patients with borderline personality disorder

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Vasil'ev VV, Iskanderova RE. [Current approaches to suicide prevention in patients with borderline personality disorder]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(6):68-79. Russian


In this review, aiming to summarize contemporary data on current approaches to the prevention of suicide among people suffering from borderline personality disorder (which is one of the mental disorders posing greatest danger of suicide), an analysis of scientific publications on this theme has been carried out. Psychotherapeutic, pharmacotherapeutic and organizational aspects of the studied problem are discussed. The insufficient efficacy of suicidal behavior prevention in patients with borderline personality disorder at psychiatry’s current stage of development, the lack of generally accepted preventive methods and insufficient quantity of structured comprehensive preventive programs in the field under consideration are emphasized in this article.

Keywords borderline personality disorder; suicide; suicidal behavior; prevention of suicidal behavior


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