The effect of antidepressants on mental activity in patients with non-psychotic depressive disorders (clinical and psychological study)

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Fayzulloev AZ, Khrulenko-Varnickiy IO. [The effect of antidepressants on mental activity in patients with non-psychotic depressive disorders (clinical and psychological study)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(3):34-44. Russian


In this observational descriptive comprehensive systematic study in order to establish psychological indicators reflecting the peculiarities of the formation of non-psychotic depressive disorders in 96 patients (27 men and 69 women) aged 18 to 45 years, a clinical and psychological analysis of the dynamics of disorders of mental processes and the effect of citalopram therapy on them was performed. Factorial, cluster, and discriminant analyses of the obtained data were carried out. The discriminant classification of the main factor indicates the dynamics of the aggravation of the condition of patients and the transformation of psychopathological phenomena into chronic forms. Against the background of citalopram therapy, the canonical discriminant coefficient identified a group of patients with hostile, irritable and anxious personality manifestations. The dynamics of the studied psychophysiological indicators correlates with the reduction of clinical manifestations of depression, which may be the basis for their classification as predictors of the condition of patients.

Keywords non-psychotic depressive disorders; psychological characteristics of thinking and intelligence; psychopharmacotherapy; citalopram


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