Analysis of clinical and psychological risk factors and frequency-quantitative characteristics of substance abuse in patients with alcohol and substances use disorders (Part 1)
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Fadeeva EV. [Analysis of clinical and psychological risk factors and frequency-quantitative characteristics of substance abuse in patients with alcohol and substances use disorders (Part 1)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(6):80-91. Russian
This cohort study involved 339 patients: 232 men and 107 women with alcohol or substances use disorders. To study the psycho-emotional and personality predictors of substance abuse, the K-10 and IES-R scales and the MGAA addictive attitudes test were used. To assess the frequency and quantitative characteristics of psychoactive substance use, the AUDIT-C and ASSIST screening tests were used, and CDT was selectively determined. Psychological distress symptoms were identified in 48.7% of the patients, and PTSD symptoms of varying severity were found in 25.7%, usually at the level of its severe manifestations and typically observed in women. According to the total score of the AUDIT-C and ASSIST tests, significant gender differences were revealed – the highest scores were observed among men with problematic alcohol use (p≤0.001). The assessment of the level of risk associated with drug use according to the ASSIST test showed that the 2.3% of patients who abuse alcohol had a high risk of drug abuse, indicating the presence of possible comorbidity with respect to these types of substances use disorders.
Keywords tobacco; alcohol; drugs; sedatives and hypnotics; problematic use; substance abuse; substance abuse disorders; women; men
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