Involvement in the perception of interpersonal conflict and its assessment in people with bipolar affective disorder

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Lysenko NE, Peeva OD. [Involvement in the perception of interpersonal conflict and its assessment in people with bipolar affective disorder]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2024;(5):59-66. Russian


In this original study, 79 patients with bipolar affective disorder were examined in order to analyze the perception of interpersonal conflicts. Based on the dynamics of the spectral structure of the heart rate, two groups of patients were identified: with low and high involvement in the perception of interpersonal interaction narrative. In the group with high involvement, correlations were revealed between physiological indicators (EEG theta rhythm power, systolic blood pressure, subcortical structure activation index, regulatory process adequacy index), cognitive assessments of situations, as well as emotional experiences and assessments of the emotional state of the characters when presented with a neutral situation and a situation of humiliation.

Keywords bipolar affective disorder; conflict; empathy; stress; heart rate variability; narrative


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