Scientific works by S.Ya. Rubinstein, dating to the period of her employment at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Part 1. Issues of malingering by the accused who suffer from mental disorders (1947-1948)
Suggested citation:
Safuanov FS. [Scientific works by S.Ya. Rubinstein, dating to the period of her employment at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. Part 1. Issues of malingering by the accused who suffer from mental disorders (1947-1948)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2016;(5):75-80. Russian
The article submits an analysis of the unpublished scientific works by S. Ya. Rubinstein (one of the founders of Soviet pathopsychological school), written during the period of her employment at the Central Institute of Forensic Psychiatry. In the experimental works "Methods to determine the degree of intellectual decline in cases of the aggravation of organic defect" (1947) and "a Psychological analysis of the feigned behavior of patients undergoing forensic psychiatric examination" (1948) she carried out a profound theoretical psychological study of the malingering behavioras a purposeful mental activity. Forms of malingering incases, when an underlying psychopathological substratumis present, have been singled out. The algorithm and the methods of identifying mental disorders by means of a pathopsychological analysis of the structure and dy namics of “feigned” behavior during psychological examination, have been described in this article.
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