Clinical and social risk factors of violations of intrahospital routine activity by persons with schizophrenia and organic mental disorders during inpatient compulsory treatment

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Berezancev AYu, Kuznecov DA. [Clinical and social risk factors of violations of intrahospital routine activity by persons with schizophrenia and organic mental disorders during inpatient compulsory treatment]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(1):4-10. Russian


Presented are outcomes of investigation of 115 persons (61 males and 54 females) with schizophrenia and organic mental disorders (OMD) with a past record of socially dangerous acts and undergoing compulsory treatment in general and specialized psychiatric inpatient facilities. Identified are noso- and gender-specific predictors of violations of intrahospital regulations by persons under investigation. For schizophrenic women such predictors were a criminal record in anamnesis, socially dangerous acts committed due to productivepsychotic mechanisms, exposure to exogenic hazards (craniocerebral traumas, alcoholization) and to systematic physical and moral abuse in childhood and adolescence. For schizophrenic males typical were property offences and low social status, multiple blackmailing demonstrative parasuicides in anamnesis. For female patients with OMD the predictors of deviant behaviour were: commission of a socially dangerous act conditioned by delusional revenge mechanism, lack of professional occupation and job tenure, deviant behaviour with onset in adolescence. Men with OMD were characterized by criminal behaviour in anamnesis and a single-parent family background where emotionally cold and hostile attitudes prevailed. The authors believe that it is imperative to take account of the investigated clinico-social and personality traits of patients when prescribing, changing or revoking measures of medical nature.


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