Psychopathological and dynamic aspects of acute transient psychotic disorders

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Bardenshteyn LM, Aleshkina GA. [Psychopathological and dynamic aspects of acute transient psychotic disorders]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(1):31-35. Russian


A comparative study was conducted to analyze clinical aspects and dynamics of acute transient psychotic disorders (ATPD) involving two groups of patients with ATPD without symptoms of schizophrenia (n=25, average age – 27,7±8 years) and with acute and transient psychotic disorders with symptoms of schizophrenia (n=25, average age – 27,3±8,5 years). Clinicopsychopathological, clinical dynamic, psychometric and statistical methods were employed. The study explored various aspects of psychopathology of acute transient psychotic disorders focusing on the most common syndromal variants of psychotic episodes. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of acute psychotic disorders is presented.


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