The problem of repeat murders committed by schizophrenic patients (clinical case)
Suggested citation:
Soldatkin VA, Retyunskiy KYu, Bobkov AS, et al. [The problem of repeat murders committed by schizophrenic patients (clinical case)]. Rossiiskii psikhiatricheskii zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2013;(2):20-30. Russian
This publication is based on analysis of a clinical case of schizophrenic patient who committed parricide. The case was brought up for discussion at a regional psychiatric conference in Rostov on-Don, with conference attendees voicing their opinion on the psychopathological and social causes of what happened. While trying to pass from particulars to generals suggestions were formulated on how to improve the system for preventing the commission of socially dangerous acts by patients with schizophrenia. The article may be a starting point for discussion of this acute and crucial problem.
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